Here's a double double wish for a Happy New Year. Not only is it after 1-1-12, but the Chinese New Year is today. This is the Year of the Dragon. The symbol Dragon in the East is not a threatening evil as is in the West. The Dragon to the Chinese is a symbol of among other things, power. Now, not all of us have been born in the year of the Dragon. But, I think it would be empowering to think about the qualities of the Dragon and take that feeling of power and infuse it into your thinking about porce.
How to do that, to have "power" in your porce? One way is to choose to porce using Collaborative Law. Collaborative Law is a process that I have been doing for 10 years. It is interdisciplinary. That means that in addition to having an attorney and your spouse having an attorney, there is also at least a neutral communications facilitator and maybe a financial specialist and/or child specialist. The professional team guides your case along in a way that will maximize results for you and your children. There is a lot more to say about this fantastic process and I would love to tell you about it if you come see me.
What does Collaborative Law have to do with power? In Collaborative Law you and your spouse contract to do your porce outside of the court system. That means that you and your spouse are able to design your porce on your own timetable, in private, not at the courthouse and you utilize neutral specialists as needed. It is the most powerful and empowering way to porce bar none.
For Smart Divorce in Texas
Diane M. Wanger
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